Inaugural Adventure - SUMMER 2008

This is
an open invitation

The Passions of Amoroso is an 18 minute long play of the Commedia dell'Arte, containing:

Cast of Char
Amoroso - A Lover

Amorella - A Lover

Harlequin - A Fool/Seer

Columbine - A Fool/Seer

Scapin - A Soldier
(The play also contains several Zannis who play small comic roles. You may be cast in multiple roles. I wish to double, triple, or quadruple cast each role so that we can have as much flexibility and fun as possible. You may have different scene partners during different performances.)

(Meet @ Gandhi statue on USW between 14th and 15th)

This production will be done as a FREE PUBLIC performance OUTDOORS from approximately August 1st - August 31st, 2008. Performances will probably be at 7pm on any/every day that we can get the right characters together. Rehearsals will also be on a flexible schedule casually over the course of June and July.
(Any money the audience drops in our hat we share.)

Note: I do not want "actors". I want behavers, misbehavers, thinkers, singers, lovers, fools/seers, soldiers, breathers, humans. Prepare nothing but come prepared for everything.

WHO - The New York City Street Players is a group of humans who play in the streets of New York City. We are performance artists, musicians, actors, bards, dancers, writers, poets, clowns, breathers, lovers, magicians, thinkers, singers, buskers, laughers, and leaders. We are a newly formed group, formed because we think New York City needs us to restore places like Union Square to their rightful functions.

WHAT - Free Outdoor Public Behavior

WHERE - Parks and public spaces in New York City

WHEN - Now (Summer 2008)

- With imagination, memorization, and colorful costumes.

- 1.) To promote a standard of human connection/compassion versus a standard of isolation/ignorance. 2.) To open a dialogue about the nature of living in this cyber-city. 3.) Because theater is not a place but a voice. 4.) To return to the ancient tradition of theater as a community gathering event. 5.) For fun.